Wednesday, April 22, 2015

1. The name of the tool you used (i.e. Plickers, FrontRow, etc)
I used Plickers
2. What content area did you use it with
I used it during ELA during a lesson on rhyming. I had a 4 question exit ticket. Some might say, why not just a worksheet? In a kinder class with a high ELL population (62%) when I do a rhyming worksheet, I have to read all of the picture options anyway. So, I put a series of cards with the ABCD choices and then I had them hold up their cards.
3. How many students did you involve (Try your tool with just one kid to get started) I started the tool with a small group.
4. What went well? The first time I used Plickers, I was ready to hang it up. 4 students had the correct answer displayed on their card, but according to Plickers, they were incorrect. The 2 who were incorrect were showing up as correct.
5. What went wrong?
There is an option on Plickers to rotate the answers. The second time I tried it on one card and it needed rotated again. The third time was correct and I went on. So I will definitely calibrate the cards the next time I use them. 
6. What surprised you? (Student engagement Data collection, ease of use). It took me a little to get the distance correct, but then it was easy.
7. Will you make this tool a part of your practice? Definitely. The kids liked seeing their answers on the screen, they enjoyed the cards. It was as quick as a worksheet  and there was no copying. I had no papers to correct! 
I went on to do this whole class. I spent about 3 minutes calibrating the kids' use of the cards to make sure they were holding them up correctly (the small group was my high group and they got it instantly). I can see this being a great formative assessment tool In my old school I had used a clicker system, but there was one set in the school and it was hard to count on them. this is an excellent, practically free alternative.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I am so glad this tool worked for you. Thanks for sticking with it.
